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The Importance of Oral Health and Mouth Awareness


We would like to reassure you that Dentistry@68, is still open and we will continue to deliver high-quality dental care and facial aesthetics throughout the duration of the restrictions.  We provide these treatments in our safe and hygienic dental practice in Poole. You will be extremely well looked after by our friendly and professional team, who are dedicated to making your visit relaxed yet safe.

Safe Hands

As you will know if you have already visited us this year, we have made some changes at the practice to ensure the safety of our patients and staff since Covid-19 hit the UK. These changes include fitting new air filtration systems, each surgery has its own PPE washing bin and the PPE is changed between patients. We initiate daily Covid-19 screenings for all our staff and of course, social distancing is in place in all areas.

We have also invested in special decontamination equipment, which we use between every patient to create an extra safe environment.

Care at Home

Although our practice is a safe and hygienic environment, we know that some people are not quite ready to venture out to their dental appointments yet. If you are unable to visit our dental practice for any reason, please don’t worry, there are good oral practices you can do at home until you are able to come and see us again.

Mouth Cancer Action Month

This November is Mouth Cancer Action Month. Here at Dentistry@68 we always check our patients for any signs of mouth cancer when our patients attend. However, it is important to know any signs of mouth cancer so you can also check at home. Early diagnosis is so important with cancer. The earlier cancer is detected the better prognosis for recovery. That is why Mouth Cancer Action Month is so important, to deliver the message to be mouth aware and how to spot the signs of oral cancer.

Be Mouth Aware – signs and symptoms of mouth cancer

Mouth cancer can occur in a number of places, including the lips, tongue, gums, and cheeks. Things to look out for include:-

If you have any doubts, please just get it checked out with us. There is also more information about mouth cancer available to download here.

Thank You

If you have already booked an appointment with us, these will remain in place and there is no need to re-book them. If you do wish to reschedule your appointment, please do contact the friendly team and they can help you with that.

We know it has been a challenging time this year and we would like to thank all of our patients for your continued loyalty to the practice and for allowing us the opportunity to look after your dental and facial aesthetics needs.

If you do have any concerns or worries about your oral health or visiting the practice, please do give us a call on 01202 687 087 or you can email We will be happy to help and we look forward to seeing you all again soon.

From all of us at Dentistry@68

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distance to and from the practice
08:15 – 18:30
Tue - Wed
08:15 – 17:00
08:15 – 18:00
08:15 – 17:00

68 Wimborne Road, Poole, Dorset, BH15 2BZ
Get directions from Google
Tel: 01202 673 037