CFast 6-Month Braces

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Fast and effective treatment for mild issues
  • A straighter smile in as little as 4-6 months
  • Discreet and affordable treatment
  • Get the smile you’ve always wanted

Steps to a straight smile

Consultation and planning
We ask you about your ideal smile and examine your teeth, making sure you are suitable for Cfast. We take digital scans and images to carefully plan your predictable and fast treatment.

Fast straightening treatment
Clear brackets and tooth coloured wires are placed on your teeth to gently move them into new, straighter positions.

Your beautiful new smile
In as little as 4 months, your treatment is complete! We remove the brackets and wires and leave you to enjoy your brand new straighter smile.

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Benefits of Cfast
  • Fast treatment times of six months on average
  • An incredibly discreet straightening system
  • More affordable than other orthodontic methods
  • Able to correct mild cosmetic issues
  • Comfortable and minimally invasive treatment
What is Cfast?

Cfast, or cosmetically focused adult straight teeth, is a simple, quick and minimally invasive orthodontic treatment. It centres on the front six upper and lower teeth, correcting issues such as small gaps, crooked teeth and mild misalignment. Cfast is a fantastic and very effective treatment option for adult patients looking to correct mild orthodontic issues in an aesthetic way.

Cfast uses clear brackets fixed to the front of the teeth, with tooth coloured wires threaded through, to provide efficient and effective treatment. The Cfast system moves the teeth in a much more predictable way than clear aligner systems, providing outstanding results and giving you the straight smile you’ve always wanted.

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Why choose Cfast at Dentistry@68?
  • Payment plans available to help you spread the cost
  • State-of-the-art digital technology used across our practice
  • Detailed consultation and assessment for outstanding results
  • Highly experienced, qualified and friendly team
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Make your treatment more affordable

We know orthodontic treatment can be expensive and leave you looking for different ways to pay. Our finance options, arranged via Tabeo, offer you the chance to spread the cost of treatment into manageable monthly payments. Talk to us today.

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Frequently Asked Questions
Does Cfast treatment hurt?

You may notice some pressure or discomfort for the first few days after your Cfast braces are fitted onto your teeth, but it won’t hurt for long. Due to the gentle forces, the discomfort is temporary and should fade after the first few days. If your pain persists, please talk to your dentist.

Do I have to change what I eat with Cfast?

You don’t have to dramatically change your diet when you have Cfast fixed braces, but you do need to be a bit careful about what you choose to eat. We advise you avoid biting into very hard foods, including crusty bread, nuts and apples, and anything sticky that could dislodge your brackets. It is also important to keep up with a healthy diet and avoid too much sugar to maintain a good level of oral health.

Will other people be able to tell I have Cfast braces?

Cfast braces are very discreet, and often other people do not know they are on your teeth until they get very close! The brackets and wires are clear, making them a far less visible option that other fixed orthodontic treatments.

How do Cfast braces work so fast?

The Cfast straightening system focuses only on the front six upper and lower teeth, the ones that are visible when you smile. It is used to improve the cosmetic appearance of your teeth, rather than correcting your bite or moving the positions of the larger back teeth. Therefore, the timescales involved with Cfast treatment are much faster.

How do I clean my teeth with a Cfast brace?

It can be more difficult to clean your teeth when you have a brace fitted, and it will take a slightly longer time. However, it is very important to keep up with a good brushing routine during treatment, to protect your oral health and avoid discolouration. Your dentist will show you how to clean between your brackets and wire using interdental tools.

Why do I need to wear a retainer?

Retainers are seen as the final stage of all orthodontic treatment. Unless they are properly retained in their new positions, your teeth will try to return to the places they were in before you began your treatment, undoing all your hard work. To stop this from happening, you need to wear a retainer. We recommend you wear your retainer on a part time basis (overnight while you sleep) to keep your teeth straight for the long term.

How long will my Cfast treatment take?

The length of your treatment with Cfast does depend on how far your teeth have to move to achieve your dream results. Cosmetic orthodontics, like Cfast, are completed in a significantly shorter treatment time. On average, treatment takes 4-6 months, and should be no longer than nine months.

distance to and from the practice
08:15 – 18:30
Tue - Wed
08:15 – 17:00
08:15 – 18:00
08:15 – 17:00

68 Wimborne Road, Poole, Dorset, BH15 2BZ
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Tel: 01202 673 037